Monday, February 28, 2011


History repeats itself..even in ur own life..there are patterns that ur life follows..sometimes when end result is gud, u like the pattern. n how-much-ever u try to change the 'bad'/ undesirable patterns in ur life, u fail miserably...n tht's painful..watching urself sliding down with the flow n letting it happen to urself (even if u resist it so hard, at times acceptance is less painful)...

I cant respect authority who is incompetent, and it's impossible to push urself to giving into demands of life (just to survive)..though i believe that survival is most basic instinct.
i remember the story of sadhu who quit eating sweets before advising little boy...
i'm not being moralist/putting any high ethics, but one's values and actions should match. Morals n ethics are relative issues always, but being honest to urself (in anything u believe/behave) and accepting the way you are is very important. if u can't practice what u preach, i'd say stop preaching...cause it's difficult to change ur behaviour at spinal level.

a young patient tells me, why should i go to school where teachers give marks only when i attend their pvt tuitions, my grades change suddenly when i give them undue respect..n I'm speechless, cause i completely agree..she gives me option of school change. I cant advise that too, being psychiatrist, my fear? what if other school is the same thing? her parents tell her to adjust to environment, she does it for 4 yrs till she breaks down finally...all i offer is support till she's in stress..
analogous is my situation...n then i've fears of life. Is the whole world like this? full of hypocrites? what if only i'm cribing? n i'm complete misfit? reckless rebel? autistic spectrum?? rigid?? (or too flexible when viewed from odr side?)
and if i expect my patient to 'conform to environment' (though passively), why cant i? then am i hypocrite by my own standards?

It's again time that I'm taking huge risk of life, n i dont know what will happen next. but i know for sure that i'll not regret it even if i get crashed to pieces..cause i know it's a pattern of life, somewhat beyond my control..I cant mould myself to situation to save integrity of my soul, I cant see myself being hypocrite n hate myself all my life...then will i lose/ get crashed??...may be..but i'll come back with new colours, cause that is pattern of my life....n i think that is survival...

Monday, January 24, 2011

random thoughts..

They call it an ego..they call it an attitude...majjj..for my living on my own terms. oh and they also say that i've to shed it for my survival...but i cant. how do i justify that to myself?